Bluem - Sustainable, Simple, Effective And Natural Skincare


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Made In



  • Certified Organic Certified Organic
  • Made Locally Made Locally
  • Gender Equality Gender Equality
  • Circularity Circularity
  • Transparent Transparent
  • Fair Fair
  • Give Back Give Back
  • Vegan Vegan

Bluem is an Australian-based clean beauty company that perfectly balances a targeted and effective skincare experience with simple, organic, and harm-free ingredients. Bluem’s philosophy is built upon integrity, and their mission is to transfer ancient knowledge and traditional practices into a modern beauty line, and to both advocate for and participate in self love and sustainability. 

Natural perfume, serums, soap bars, Konjac sponges, and self love kits are the products currently on offer from Bluem, and all have been crafted and sourced ethically and sustainably. Bluem is carbon positive and gives back to the local community in their harvesting regions; their key ingredients are native Australian plants; their Konjac sponges are ethically sourced and transported from their native Japan; their soaps are hand-selected offcuts from the mainstream beauty industry and would otherwise be in landfill; and their plant innovative extraction process for the Bluem potent plant serums uses requires the use of less plant material and rain-harvested water.

Skincare aside, Bluem is passionate about self love, and encourages women to find time in their busy lives to do just this. Bluem sees the process of applying skincare as one such act of self love, and reminds us to slow down, take a deep breath, and love ourselves first. They even have a Self Love Club where self love is encouraged, and where everyone is welcome. After all: “glowing skin is more than just what we put on it – it’s a light that comes from the inside and one we share with others around us as we float through our day.”

That may seem like a lot of information, but it’s more necessary now than it has ever been to understand where the products we use come from, and how they came to us in the first place. Bluem is a clean beauty company that prides itself on its pure and potent products, its transparency, and its commitment to tracing its supply chain. So, do yourself a favour and visit the Bluem Lagoon.

Want to know where Bluem sits and what they’re working on in terms of these 5 values? Hover over these values to find out.

Behind the Brand

“Knowing who you work with means you’re investing into lives beyond your own and is essential for shopping ethically AND sustainably. The Kakadu Plum is wild-harvested from remote regions of WA, and the Finger Lime is grown locally in the Northern Rivers. We are very excited to be sharing more about how deeply considered Bluem is from seed to skin”.

Montana Lower

We head to the Bluem Lagoon with Australian sustainable skincare company Bluem's founder, Montana Lower.

What made you start Bluem?

I was newly pregnant, my partner had just been run over by a boat, and the current industry I was working in did not support my wishes to be able to be a priority caregiver for my expected daughter. I knew I had to come up with something sustainable (in every way) quick.

After a colourful career as an international model since my teens as well as just being a member of the human race, I have always been passionate about empowering women and pulling apart the stereotypes of beauty. Natural skincare just made sense.

Do you have a morning routine? If so what is it you do to set yourself up for the day ahead?

Morning routines are cut pretty short in a house with a toddler. These days I’m grateful to take a moment, a deep breathe and ensure I’m nurturing myself through the use of Bluem. If I ever forget, the directions on the back of the bottle are there to remind me how important it is to love myself first. We’re all about rituals, not routines.

Why did you pick the ingredients you have chosen to work with?

Working with native plants means we are able to protect and invest into Australian ecology as well as. the people working with these plants. Australian natives require particular conditions to thrive, so it’s our way of ensuring we’re doing our part to keep things in balance and focusing on our own back yard.

Natives also mean: incredibly potent and powerful results, significantly less travel miles and easily being able to visit our ethical growers whenever we want.

Best piece of advice you have ever received?

What’s meant for you, will always be for you.

What’s next for you and Bluem?

We’re looking forward to exploring more sustainable solutions for self love and creating a positive impact on the beauty industry.

One film everyone should watch? Why?

Captain fantastic, a romanticised story of alternative living and the beauty that awaits in the simple moments.

Are there any other Movers & Shakers out there in your world that you think people should know about?

I love the artist Rachael Sarra and the initiative ‘Pay The Rent‘.

Shop Bluem here, and use the code ‘EME’ for 10% off. 


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