Our Philosophy

A few things we’re not for:

  • 10% of global carbon emissions come from the fashion industry, which is more than shipping and aviation combined.
  • More than 90% of workers in the global garment industry have no possibility of negotiating their wages and conditions.
  • Among 71 leading retailers in the UK, 77% believe there is a likelihood of modern slavery (forced labour) occurring at some stage in their supply chains.
  • Increasing the price of a garment in retail by 1% could be enough to pay the workers who made it a living wage.

A few things we’re definitely for:

01. We believe in freedom, for all.

We want to see the end of exploitation in the fashion industry in this lifetime. We want a future where everyone involved in the fashion industry is treated with respect and included in the benefits of an industry that cares. Whether you’re the person harvesting the cotton, sewing the fabric, or wearing the final product, everyone involved in the production and consumption of clothing has the right to freedom.

02. We believe in transparency. 

We recognise that everyone approaches ‘ethics’ from their own viewpoints, experiences and privileges. We don’t believe there is only one way to be ethical. But we do believe creating a more ethical fashion industry starts with transparency. This means we have a strict vetting protocol where standards, research and analysis are not just a priority, but are the bedrock of our business model.

03. We believe that the planet and its people should come before profit.

We started EME in 2016 because we wanted to find brands that aligned with our moral principles. Today, we are the home of ethical brands who do just that. Everyone’s morals and values are different, as is everyone’s version of ‘good’, but to put it plain and simple, EME believes that people and the planet come before profit. Our mission is centred around this becoming the global norm.

04. We believe that true impact is built through diversity.

Until recently, we hadn’t fully understood our privilege or how prevalent systemic racism is in the fashion industry. Today, we acknowledge that we’re a predominately white team and are actively working to change that.

We’re also doing our best to ensure the brands we feature, the topics we write about, and the people we interview are intentionally diverse. This is a long term commitment that ensures the ethical fashion world is inclusive and that many perspectives are shared and celebrated.


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